Thursday, 7 October 2010

Woohoo, it let me in!!!

I've been trying, from time to time (every few days) to get into this blog but blogger was having none of it. Have now reset the password AGAIN and been able to log in today, but who knows for how long?

Here's one of the two posters I made during the 24/7 prayer week in August. I wasn't involved in creating the display on a noticeboard in the church hall, our curate did that, but my two pics have centre stage - will try to get a photo of that later. Here's a collage - hope you like it.

Thanks for visiting :D


  1. Wow debbie this is a super collage, well put together hun.
    So glad you have got your blog going again.
    Hugs Betty x x

  2. Super collage Debbie, good to see you back xx
