Monday, 19 September 2011

Almost a year ...

... since I could access this blog. I had given up but then needed to reset my password to sign up for something else and BINGO ... !!

I'm still crafting, in fits and starts. Most often to be found in my favourite online place Trimcraft

Our church has just started a monthly, midweek church called Messy Church and I volunteered to be the crafts coordinator so life is busy with that at the moment.

Thanks for reading. I hope life is treating you kindly.

Hugs and blessings,
Debbie x


  1. welcome back to blogland Debbie

    great idea for the church have fun

    Sylvia x

    (craftyandmad trimmie)

  2. Keep persevering. I know what you mean, I'm a bit behind on my blog ... life takes over sometimes. Look forward to future posts.

    June x

  3. Great to see you back blogging again Debbie.Good luck with your craft coordinating. xx Doreen
